Is functional dependence of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients determinant of the quality of life and burden of their caregivers?

Moura MC, Wutzki HC, Voos MC, Resende MB, Reed UC, Hasue RH.
Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2015. 73(1):52-57.
This study investigated in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy possible relationships between functional dependence/QOL of DMD patients and QOL/burden of caregivers.
Caregivers answered to World Health Organization Quality of Life and Zarit Burden Interview questionnaires. Patients were assessed with the MFM and the “Autoquestionnaire Qualité de vie Enfant Imagé”.
Higher caregivers’ burden was related to lower caregivers’ QOL and to higher patients’ ages.

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Keywords: Duchenne muscular dystrophy, behavior, quality of life, motor activity.


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