Frequently Asked Questions
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Added handicap
I have been requested to examine the motor skills of a 10 year-old deaf DMD child without associated cognitive disorders. Is the MFM adapted for this added handicap?
To pass the MFM, this child must have the means to communicate with you: sign language with a translator, labial reading… or direct reading of the instructions. You can also ask the child to proceed by imitation by performing each item in front of him/her. Depending on the skills expected, ask the child to reproduce scores 3, 2 or 1.
Please inform as to the difficulties encountered, as your experience will certainly be informative for other professionals faced with the same difficulty.
Please inform as to the difficulties encountered, as your experience will certainly be informative for other professionals faced with the same difficulty.
Validation of the MFM
Is the MFM a tool validated in the context of clinical research?
Yes he MFM is validated in the clinical research context; for this use of the MFM the investigators examining the patients with the assistance of the MFM must have passed the certified user test taken at the end of the training course. An updating session is also desirable before the start of each new clinical trial.
Item 19
Is it possible to give the patient a biro or a felt pen to perform the requested loops within the 1cm height by 4cm length framework?
To pass the MFM, this child must have the means to communicate with you: sign language with a translator, labial reading… or direct reading of the instructions. You can also ask the child to proceed by imitation by performing each item in front of him/her. Depending on the skills expected, ask the child to reproduce scores 3, 2 or 1.
Please inform as to the difficulties encountered, as your experience will certainly be informative for other professionals faced with the same difficulty.
Please inform as to the difficulties encountered, as your experience will certainly be informative for other professionals faced with the same difficulty.
Adjustable table
I do not have a height-adjustable table for the distal items of the upper limb; can my height-adjustable examination table replace this material that I lack?
yes if you place a board or a firm covering on your table to avoid the patient using, or being obstructed by, the flexibility of an examination table’s usual coating. Also, pay attention to the height at which you regulate your examination table: see page 4 of your MFM User’s Manual.
Item 3
Pour accorder une cotation 3, le patient doit-il avoir le pied décollé du tapis à la fin du mouvement de flexion du membre inférieur ou le pied doit-il être décollé tout au long du mouvement ?
Pour obtenir une cotation 3 à cet item, le patient, installé en décubitus dorsal sur le tapis ou la table d’examen large, doit réaliser un mouvement de flexion d’une amplitude minimum de 90° au niveau de la hanche et au niveau du genou, le pied étant décollé tout au long du mouvement.
Item 7
Le patient a t'il le droit de s'agripper à ses vêtements avec sa main pour réaliser une cotation 1, 2 et 3 ?
S’agripper aux vêtements est considéré comme une compensation, donc possible pour obtenir une cotation 2 ou 1 selon la quantité de mouvement réalisé.
MFM user’s
I am an occupational therapist in a pluri professional consultation. During the training sessions MFM, are there many occupational therapists ? Does the training session give an analysis of item's scores and a reflexion around possible actions ?
The training’s sessions MFM are opened to physical therapists, occupational therapists and doctors. Also, psychomotor therapists come to be formed. During a training session, all the 32 items are explained by video clips of patients in situation. The cotations proposed by the various trainees for the driving performances shown by the patients are compared so that all the group pronounces on the same cotation, that was referenced by the committee MFM. During the training day some examples of the use of the MFM and its contribution in clinical practice is explained.