Obtaining a user manual

The user manual is an essential tool for a rigorous scoring of each item and should be consulted throughout the MFM validation process.
It gives all the information necessary for the validation of each of the 32 items (description of the starting position, scoring instructions) and the necessary details or scoring aids.
The scoring sheet displays the domain of each item and facilitates the transcription of scores and the calculations necessary per domain and for the total score.
These documents are available in French (original version) and in many foreign versions. You will find below the list of the different versions and you can get a PDF version of the documents HERE.
In French
French MFM User Manual and Scoring sheet
4th edition revised and corrected in December 2016
In English
MFM User’s manual and Scoring sheet
3rd edition Mai 2016 (validated by the steering committee)
In Spanish
Manual del usuario y Tabla de puntuación
2nd version, updated in 2017
In Portuguese
Manual do Usuario e folha de escore MFM
2nd version, updated in 2017. For any information you can contact Cristina Iwabe: crisiwabe@hotmail.com
In Dutch
Gebruikers handleiding MFM -Score formulier
1st version, edited in 2009. For any information you can contact Dr Imelda de Groot: IJM.Groot@reval.umcn.nl
In German
1st version edited in 2010. For any information you can contact Dr Oswald Hasselmann: oswald.hasselmann@kispisg.ch
In Italian
MFM Manuale del valutatore – scheda raccolta dati
1st version, edited in 2011
In Turkish
MFM Kullanici Klavuzu Puanlama sayfasi Türkuaz
1st version, edited in 2010. For any information you can contact Pr Serap Inal: inal.serap@gmail.com
In Arabic
Manuel de l’utilisateur MFM version arabe
1st version, edited in 2012. For any information you can “Plateau Technique-SESOBEL”: pt@sesobel.org
In Polish
Instrukcja obslugi MFM Wersja polska
1st version, translation supervised by the laboratory Hoffmann-La Roche in 2017
In Czech
Uživatelská prírucka MFM Ceská verze
1st version, translation supervised by the laboratory Hoffmann-La Roche in 2017
In Japanese
MFM user’s manual and scoring sheet – Japan version
1st version, translation supervised by the laboratory Hoffmann-La Roche in 2017
In Chinese
MFM user’s manual and scoring sheet – Chineese version
1st version, edited in 2017. For any information you can contact Dr Mei-Huan hmh200909@163.com
In Russian
MFM user’s manual and scoring sheet – Russian version
1st version, edited in 2019. For any information you can contact Dr Vasiliy Suslov vms.92@mail.ru