Quantitative muscle MRI: A powerful surrogate outcome measure in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Bonati U, Hafner P, Schädelin S, Schmid M, Naduvilekoot Devasia A, Schroeder J, Zuesli S, Pohlman U, Neuhaus C, Klein A, Sinnreich M, Haas T, Gloor M, Bieri O, Fischmann A, Fischer D.
Neuromuscul Disord. 2015. 25(9):679-85.
This prospective one year observational study compared quantitative muscle MRI (qMRI) with clinical scores in DMD.
In 20 DMD patients, MFM total and subscores (D1, D2 and D3) were compared to the fat fraction (MFF) of thigh muscle qMRI obtained using the two-point Dixon method.
QMRI shows pathophysiological changes in DMD and might serve as a surrogate outcome measure in clinical trials.

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Keywords: Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Outcome measure, Endpoint, Quantitative MRI, Neuromuscular disorders

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