Upper limb evaluation and one-year follow up of non-ambulant patients with spinal muscular atrophy: an observational multicenter trial
Seferian AM, Moraux A, Canal A, Decostre V, Diebate O, Le Moing AG, Gidaro T, Deconinck N, Van Parys F, Vereecke W, Wittevrongel S, Annoussamy M, Mayer M, Maincent K, Cuisset JM, Tiffreau V, Denis S, Jousten V, Quijano-Roy S, Voit T, Hogrel JY, Servais L.
PLoS One. 2015. 10;10(4):e0121799.
The aims of our study were to assess the feasibility and reliability of different strength (MyoGrip, MyoPinch) and functional (MoviPlate, MFM) measures in 23 non-ambulant patients with SMA and to assess the sensitivity to change for the same measurements over one year.
The study demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of the measures for all patients and sensitivity to negative changes after the age of 14 years. The younger patients showed an increase of the distal force in the follow-up period.
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