Articles in scientific journals
Fonction musculaire et atteinte d’organes dans la dystrophie myotonique de type 1
Pruna L, Machado F, Louis L, Vassé G, Kaminsky P. Revue Neurologie 2011. 167: 23-28. The aim of this study, carried out on 69 patients with type 1 myotonic dystrophy, was to assess the correlations between the MFM score and some organ impairments. The MFM provides an...
Regional body composition and functional impairment in patients with Myotonic Dystrophy
Pruna L, Chatelin J, Pascal-Vigneron V, Kaminsky P. Muscle nerve 2011. 44(4) : 503-8. In this study, fat-free mass index (FFMI), fat mass index (FMI) and functional impairment were examined in 48 patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 subjects and anthropometrically...
Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 1: diagnosis, and pharmacological and psychosocial management.
Bushby K, Finkel R, Birnkrant DJ, Case LE, Clemens PR, Cripe L, Kaul A, Kinnett K, McDonald C, Pandya S, Poysky J, Shapiro F, Tomezsko J, Constantin C, DMD Care Considerations Working Group. Lancet Neurol 2010. 9(1):77-93. The MFM is quoted in this article as an...
Physical training in boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: the protocol of the No Use is Disuse study.
Jansen M, de Groot IJ, van Alfen N, Geurts AC. BMC Pediatr 2010. 10: 55. The protocol of the NUD (No Use is disuse) study aims to assess whether a low-intensity physical training in DMD patients is beneficial in terms of preserving muscle endurance and functional...
Analyse de la validité de la MFM en pratique clinique de consultation adulte d’un centre de référence pour maladies neuromusculaires
Benaïm C, Sacconi S, Fournier-Mehouas M, Tanant V, Desnuelle C. Revue Neurologie 2010. 166 : 49-53. Between 2005 and 2007, among 100 adults (18-78y) with Steinert myotonic dystrophy or facio-scapulohuméral dystrophy randomly selected in reference center of Nice...
Neuromuscular diseases and useful instruments in the motor evaluation of children and adolescents
Diniz GPC, Lasmar LMLB, Giannetti JG. Revista Médica de Minas Gerais. 2010. 20(4 Supl 3): S12-S19. Bibliographic review of the most common neuromuscular diseases in children and measurement scales, including MFM, used for the evaluation of these patients.LinkKeywords:...
La Mesure de Fonction Motrice, une échelle validée pour les MNM
Bérard C, Vuillerot C, Girardot F, Hamroun D, Payan C. Les cahiers de Myologie n°2. 2010: 26-34. Description of the development and validation stages of the MFM.Download the documentKeywords: Measure scale, Evaluation, Motor function, Neuromuscular disease Articles...
Monitoring changes and predicting loss of ambulation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy with the Motor Function Measure
Vuillerot C, Girardot F, Payan C, Fermanian J, Iwaz J, de Lattre C, Bérard C. Dev med Child Neurol 2009. 52(1): 60-65. Changes in MFM scores of 12 DMD patients treated with corticosteroids and 54 without treatment. The results support the use of MFM in the treatment...
La Mesure de Fonction Motrice en maladies neuromusculaires
Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les maladies neuromusculaires. La minute neuromuscule 2009. 2(1). Presentation by the Canadian group GRIMN (Interdisciplinary Research Group on neuromuscular diseases) of the MFM as a tool for assessing motor function. (in...
Escala Medida da Função Motora (MFM): novo instrumento de avaliação em doenças neuromusculares
Iwabe C. Tese de Doutorado apresentada à Pós-Graduação da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual, de Campinas para obtenção do título de Doutor em, Ciências Médicas, Área de Concentração Ciências Biomédicas. 2009. This doctoral thesis focus on the...
Modalités de l’utilisation de l’alpha-glucosidase recombinante humaine (Myosine TM) et du suivi des patients adultes
Annane D, Caillaud C, Laforêt P, Maire I, Nicolino M, Orlikovski D. Recommandations du Comité d'Evaluation du traitement de la maladie de Pompe 2008. In adult Pompe disease, it is recommended to assess patients by MFM initially and every 6 months or annually by the...
Maladies neuromusculaires (MNM) : mise au point
Commare MC. Lett Med Phys Readap 2008. 24 ; 15-19 Description of discovery circumstances of a neuromuscular disease, the diagnosis of the disease, evaluations to be performed (including the MFM for the muscular function assessement) and treatments. (French...
Motor Function Measure: portuguese version and relability analysis.
Iwabe C., Miranda-Pfeilsticker BH., Nucci A. Rev Bras Fisioter 2008. 24 : 15-19 The aim of the study was to translate in Portuguese the MFM and to identify its intra and inter-examiner reliability in Brazilian patients.Keywords: neuromuscular disorders, motor...
Use of Motor Function Measure (MFM) to assess motor function ability in patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
C. Vuillerot, C.Payan, C. Bérard and the MFM study group 14ème congrès de la World Musucle Society Genève du 9 au 12 octobre 2009 L'amyotrophie spinale infantile (ASI) présente une évolution motrice lente et progressive confirmée par la dégradation de l'insuffisance...
Motor Function Measure: construction of a short form (MFM-20) for children with neuromuscular disease aged 2 to 6
C de Lattre, C Payan, C Payet, C Fafin, F Girardot, A Jouve. World Muscle Society Genève 9-12 octobre 2009 L'objectif de cette étude est de créer une forme courte de la MFM utilisable pour les enfants de moins de 6 ans. 190 enfants valides agés de 2 à 6 ans ont été...
The Motor Function Measure (MFM): Sensitivity to change
C Payan, C Vuillerot , J Fermanian, C. Bérard, and the MFM study Group World Muscle Society Geneve 9-12 octobre 2009 L'objectif est de quantifier, auprès de 152 patients neuromusculaires, l'évolution annelle de la fonction motrice et d'étudier sa relation avec...
The Motor Function Measure, an outcome measure for neuromuscular disorders: Preliminary results in Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (DMC)
C.Payan, D. de Castro, S. Quijano, T. Stojkovic, C.Bérard, B. Estournet and the study group MFM Congrès de ICNMD à Naples en juillet 2010 L'objectif de l'étude est d'évaluer l'applicabilité de la MFM chez les patients porteurs d'une dystrophie musculaire congénitale...
Validation of MFM-20, a short form of the Motor Function Measure for children between 2 and 7 years of age with neuromuscular disease
C.Payan, C. de Lattre, Castro, F. Girardot, C. Vuillerot, C. Bérard and the study group MFM ICNMD Juillet 2010 Naples Une premiere étude a permi d'identifier parmi les 32 items de la MFM, 20 items applicables aux enfants valides âgés de 2 à 7 ans. La validation...
Progress usind the Motor Function Measure for NMDs Castro, C.Payan, C.Vuillerot, F.Girardot, C. Bérard and the MFM Study Group World Muscle Society octobre 2010 Kumamoto Japon En octobre 2010, le point sur les études concernées par la MFM mots clés : outil d'évaluation, pathologies neuromusculaires Communications...
173rd ENMC international workshop: Congenital muscular dystrophy outcome measures
C.G. Bönnemann, A. Rutkowski, E. Mercuri, F. Muntoni, for the CMD Outcomes Consortium 5-7 March 2010, Naarden, The Nertherlands L'atelier a réuni 22 cliniciens experts de cinq pays pour progresser dans la mise en oeuvre de mesures cliniquement adaptées aux patients...