The applicability of four clinical methods to evaluate arm and hand function in all stages of spinal muscular atrophy type II.

Werlauff U, Fynbo Steffensen B.
Disabil Rehabil. 2014. 36(25):2120-6. 
Assessment of ability of 4 clinical methods to reflect arm and hand function at impairment and activity level and to determine their ability to discriminate among SMA II patients of all ages and in all stages of the disease. Fifty-two patients with SMA II (age range: 8–73 years) were assessed by means of the Egen Klassifikation 2 (EK2 scale), the Motor Function Measure Scale (MFM D3), the Manual Muscle Test (MMT) and Hand-Held Dynamometry (HHD) in full fist grip and lateral pinch grip. EK2 scale and the MFM are useful as methods to evaluate subtle changes in upper limb function resulting from disease progression or interventions.

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Keywords: Arm, hand, outcome assessments, spinal muscular atrophy, upper extremity

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