The Use of the Gait Profile Score and Gait Variable Score in Individuals With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

de Souza MA, Cezarani A, Lizzi EAD, Davoli GBQ, Mattiello SM, Jones R, Mattiello-Sverzut AC
J Biomech. 2020. 98, 109485.
Study of the applicability of the Gait Deviation Index (GDI) and the Gait Profile Score (GPS) in patients with duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, using the MFM score levels as a clustering factor.
The results of the study indicate that gait variable score allows the detection of proximal kinematic changes in pelvis and hip even in the patients with more preserved motor function, assessed by MFM.

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Articles in scientific journals

Protocol for a phase II, monocentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial to assess efficacy of pyridostigmine in patients with spinal muscular atrophy types 2-4 (SPACE trial)

Stam M, Wadman RI, Wijngaarde CA, Bartels B, Asselman FL, Otto LAM, Goedee HS, Habets LE, de Groot JF, Schoenmakers MAGC, Cuppen I, van den Berg LH, van der Pol WL. BMJ Open. 2018. 30;8(7):e019932.  Protocol of the "SPACE" in wich MFM is used as an outcome measure....

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